There is given a rectangular bitmap of size n*m. Each pixel of the bitmap is either white or black, but at least one is white. The pixel in i-th line and j-th column is called the pixel (i,j). The distance between two pixels p1=(i1,j1) and p2=(i2,j2) is defined as: TaskWrite a program which:
InputIn the first line of the text file BIT.IN there is a pair of integer numbers n, m separated by a single space, 1<=n <=182, 1<=m<=182. In each of the following n lines of the file BIT.IN exactly one zero-one word of length m, the description of one line of the bitmap, is written. On the j-th position in the line (i+1), 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m, is '1' if, and only if the pixel (i,j) is white. OutputIn the i-th line of the output file BIT.OUT, 1<=i<=n, there should be written m integers f(i,1),...,f(i,m) separated by single spaces, where f(i,j) is the distance from the pixel (i,j) to the nearest white pixel. ExampleFor the input file BIT.IN: 3 4 0001 0011 0110 the correct answer is the text file BIT.OUT: 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
On the web site:
http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~msawicki/stereo.html you can find an applet Stereogram, which was the prototype for this problem. |